Opening The Red Road to Peace

Lonewolf's Prayer for America
Initiating The Red Silk Road Peace March 2003-2004

Getting Science onto The Red Road

[last updated 15Dec03 6:50amPST]

The Silk Road to Peace project inspiration came from the March 2003, peace walk by seven people in Hollywood to the Korean Presbyterian Church to hear Dennis Kucinich speak and offer him the messages in English of the most venerable Nichidatsu Fujii whose Tenku Odaimoku (Celestial Prayer Drumming with Universal Medicine Word Mantra to Uprise The Great Law of Peace in All Hearts) was offered by this spiritual peace walk in two separate groups to the church.

During the following week, one of the peace walkers from the Los Angeles Dojo of the Nipponzan Myohoji Order founded by Nichidatsu from whom Mahatma Gandhi also took up this drumming prayer practice and whom Gandhi named "Guruji", Sue Nelson, was killed by a car and so was unable to walk with the smaller group to the June 14, 2003, Flag Day Peace Walk towards The Silk Road to Peace in the San Fernando Valley to Taft High School to once again hear the message of Dennis John Kucinich as a US Presidential Candidate for Global Peace.

Determined to initiate this around the world spiritual prayer walk for peace during this last year of the United Nations 1995-2004 International Decade of The World's Indigenous Peoples, in respect of the International Decade of creating a culture of peace for the 21st Century, Williams enlisted the aid of local indigenous spiritual practitioner Richard Lonewolf with whom he had conducted several public prayer ceremonies for global peace since October 12, 2002, when Lonewolf offered his prayer drum ceremony outside the International Action Coalition's Hollywood event that Columbus Day (where they refused him to open the program with the indigenous peoples prayer), a ceremony at UCLA, and then at the University of California at Santa Barbara Tree of Peace.

Setting a start date for this major peace walk around the world for August 24, 2003, the 9th birthday anniversary of the first white buffalo calf (named "Miracle") and conducting various prayer ceremony offerings and short walks as above to promote the idea evolved into "The Red Silk Road Global Peace March Around the World" for a sustainable global peace through human spiritual unity understanding, Williams conducted an initiation ceremony on June 24, 2003, described in the newspaper article below, before conducting the inaugural route on August 24th alone and ignored by the press and the participants named below who "can't believe it yet".

From: "David Crockett Williams"
Date: Tue Jul 1, 2003 9:12 am Subject: Tehachapi News: Man walks Silk Road to peace, "To each mountain, a grain of sand" -- Peace march begins in Keene - Lone Wolf and David Crockett Williams participate in peace ceremony [< article below expunged from url]

Tehachapi News, July 2, 2003, weekly issue, Local News Section

"Man walks Silk Road to peace"

-- "To each mountain, a grain of sand" --

-- Peace march begins in Keene --

Lone Wolf and David Crockett Williams participate in peace ceremony

by Matthew Chew, Contributing Writer

Residents of Tehachapi might have noticed the bearded man in a T-shirt and camouflage hat and pants walking through town on June 24. Many probably dismissed him, perhaps he had no vehicle or he might even be a hitchhiker.

Most probably did not take notice of the sign he brandished, the text of which began "The Silk Road to Peace." Therefore, those many had no idea that this lone walker had loftier intentions than point A to point B.

That bearded walker has something burning inside, something that has burned inside him for many years. Even though he is accomplished and well respected among the scientific community for theories on energy, and could easily find comfort working in the world of technology, David Crockett Williams sees globally, acts locally and is attempting to create world change, beginning here in Tehachapi. He wants world peace and through actions here in Tehachapi he is seeking to bring about that change.

"What is this change?" said Williams, "the change can best be referred to as a human reawakening, an innate human knowledge that has been suppressed."

The walk, that Williams completed began at La Paz in Keene. Keene is the home to the United Farm Workers (UFW) and resting place of Caesar Chavez. That center is an example of change through peaceful, yet forceful means. It represents the fact that those dedicated enough to a cause can evoke a change without violent means.

That is why Williams selected La Paz as his starting point.

"I was on peace walks that were hosted by the Chavez community twice. There is something about !Si se puede! That is the saying of Caesar Chavez. It means 'Yes it can be done'."

"I see Caesar Chavez as a spiritual man, not just as a union leader," said Williams.

The path that Williams took followed Woodford Tehachapi Road, east on 202, north on Curry, to the old Post Office downtown, past city hall, across the railroad crossing at Green St. ending in Capital Hills.

The walk held on June 24 is a precursor to a larger peace walk to be held August 24. That walk will also begin at La Paz, but will head in 4 different directions. Each of those representing paths of the ancient "Silk Road." The actual meeting point for the "Silk Road to Peace March" on August 24 will begin at the Keene store at noon.

Williams is correlating his peace walks with the United Nations International World's Indigenous Peoples Decade (1995-2004) and the UN's Decade for Creating a Global Culture of Peace for the 21st Century which runs from 2000-2009.

The old postal bulding downtown and Capital Hills are both significant because they are possible sites for a Peace March office (the old postal building) and a Global Peace March site (Capital Hills).

Williams understands that his ideals are lofty, but significant. He is a veteran of many peace walks in the past, many of national attention, and hopes that the turn out on August 24 is large, but he realizes that a movement of such importance will occur, whether now or at a later date.

"Leaders of the word are ignoring natural law, " said Williams who was also quoting indigenous leaders who had addressed the UN in 1992. This ignorance leads to the non-peace which the world is currently experiencing.

For more information on the August 24 peace walk, Williams can be contacted at [661-]822-3309 or information can be obtained on the internet at

--------------end article, photos by Matthew Chew, captions:

[First photo, (above top) of Richard Lonewolf praying with drum over the Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem (end visible in photo at right) with DCW standing in background holding Lonewolf's Sacred Pipe in pipe bag, captioned:]

"Lone Wolf, member of the local American Indian population, and David Crockett Williams participate in peace ceremony"

[Second photo, b/w, from front, peace walkers approaching the entrance to the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation La Paz Community walking from Keene Store picnic area ceremony, Richard Lonewolf and Alex Ravenfeather leading the way offering indigenous prayer drumming carrying medicine bundles with walkers including Lonewolf's wife Beth, daughter Jasmine (6), Journey (3), and infant April May carried by Williams in one arm with Sacred Pipe carried in the other, caption]

"Peace march begins in Keene."

==========================end article and captions, next, companion article same issue of local paper:

"Randall Whitefeather and his brother Richard Lonewolf are veterans of many years of Tehachapi Indian Powwows."

Tehachapi News, July 2, 2003, a weekly column, page A4

Pen In Hand

by Jon Hammond

Tehachapi Indian Powwow

The sound of drums once again echoed through the beautiful little valley at Indian Hill Ranch last weekend during the 19th annual Tehachapi Indian Powwow.

Over 100 dancers in native dress participated in the two-day event, with representatives of dozens of different tribes.

Indian Hill Ranch is located at the end of Arosa Road in upper Brite Valley so hot daytime temperatures were moderated by a cooling westerly breeze rustling the giant valley oaks that shade the asembly area.

Powwows traditionally begin with a "grand entrance" ceremony that includes all the dancers as well as flags representing both the U.S. and Indian nations.

This year's ceremony was given special resonance thanks to an appearance by Lucille Girado Hicks, who offered the opening prayer in the local Nuooah language.

Lucille and her brother Luther Girado are Kawaiisu (Nuooah) Indians, the people indigenous to the Tehachapi area. They are among a handful of speakers who are fluent in the Nuooah language and they are currently giving classes to both Kawaiisu people and non-natives who are interested in learning this ancient language.

It is gratifiying to see Lucille and Luther receive the respect and recognition they deserve for their unselfish efforts in reviving the Nuooah language, and especially appropriate to see the Tehachapi Indian Powow offically begin with the words of Tehachapi Indian people.

In addition to the feast of color and sound provided by the Powwow dancers and drummers, those in attendance could also enjoy Navajo tacos, fry bread, silver jewelry, beadwork, paintings and a variety of other foods and artwork available from Powwow venders.

Going to the Indian Powwow is always a memorable way to spend a day outdoors in the relaxed ambience of Brite Valley and I have only missed a couple of them in the nearly 20 years the Drake family has been hosting the Powwows.

-----Photos by Jon Hammond, captions:

"Bailey Martin shows her mom Kristen some kachina dolls that were among the many items available from vendors at the Powwow."

"Lucille Girado Hicks of Montclair gave special significance to this year's Tehachapi Indian Powwow when she offered the opening prayer in her native tongue -- Nuooah, the language of the local Kawaiisu people."

[special note: The chairman of the Calfornia Kawaiisu Nation is David Laughing Horse Robinson of the California State University at Bakersfield Fine Arts Department who was one of the 130 California Recall candidates for Governor. After being made aware of the 1974 visit by the Tibetan Monks to the Hopi people when they were all astonished to learn that they could understand one another's languages, Laughing Horse was able to meet again briefly with His Holiness Dalai Lama in San Francisco on September 5, 2003 (they had met before at a United Nations Conference when they spoke for a long time in English together before Laughing Horse learned who he was talking to) and on Sept.5 took that occasion to speak to His Holiness in the Kawaiisu language and the Dalai Lama spoke to him in the Tibetan language and they could also understand one another's languages]

"Dancers from many Indian nations gathered for the 19th annual Tehachapi Indian Powwow at the scenic Indian Hill Ranch in Brite Valley."

"Randall Whitefeather and his brother Richard Lonewolf are veterans of many years of Tehachapi Indian Powwows."

"Native American music performances were part of this year's Powwow, including songs played on Plains Indian-style courting flutes like this one."

"Items ranging from paintings to herbal teas to jewelry and food were on sale during the Powwow."

==========end articles and captions

[The Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem was present at Lonewolf's Pow-Wow Camp where Williams conducted Tenku Odaimoku Ceremony with it]

---------end post/message at

---------end articles, second posting of walk article with newspaper url at
ended with signature lines of--------

*spiritual unity understanding*

Torahkum, The Law Stands Up

David Crockett Williams, Jr, CLU, BS -- 661-822-3309
Chartered Life Underwriter

Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Initiator, The Silk Road to Peace March
August 24, 2003 - October 31, 2004
La Paz, California, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, China, Nepal,
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem, Europe, USA, La Paz
October 2nd Gandhi birthday events

"One person can make a difference"
Dennis Kucinich, American Spiritual Leader
44th USA President
Spirituality is The Highest Form of Politics

For Global Peace and Sustainability Now!

-------------end intro articles

We are The only One who Will make this happen! -- Let's Do It! -- For Global Peace Now!

To help make this "Peace Molehill into an American Global Peace Mountain," use print/copy the basic American Peace March 2003-2004 Peace Relay Walker's -- "All in One" Flyer, Poster, Peace Walk Sign, and "Peace Relay Walker ID Card" -- at:

American Peace March GENERAL PLAN

American Peace March 2003-2004 General Information and Philosophy Overview

American Peace March 2003-2004 ROUTES and SCHEDULES Index


See also the fast moving project, the "Blitzfrieden -- Lightning Peace" Campaign, at above link and more at the main group list (posted before time can be later taken to update these pages) ie -- See Public Archives -- by date and subject from Messages index, or subscribe for the very latest fast breaking information updates at the American Peace March Announcement List:

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American Peace March 2004 from San Francisco 20March to Washington DC 24October

The Red Silk Road to Peace